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George orwell--

- à Eric Arthur Blair, englischer Schriftsteller und Essayist - geboren 25.06.1903 in Motihari (Indien) - Kind britischer Eltern, Vater: Kolonialbeamter - wuchs in Indien auf - Mit 8 Jahren besuchte er strenge, altmodische Privatschule in Eastborne - erhält aufgrund guter Leistungen ein Stipendium für das renommierte Eton College - nach Examen: 1922 Eintritt in die indische Militärpolizei(Eindrücke dieser Zeit in "Burmese Days") - 1927 Kündigung aus Protest gegen Unmenschlichkeit der britischen Kolonialherrschaft - ab 1927-1935: Tellerwäscher, Hilfslehrer in London und Paris, freier Schriftsteller - 1936 Heirat mit Eileen O'Shaughnessy, mit der er später einen Jungen adoptierte à konnte sich nicht Trauring leisten - 1936/37 Journalist und Autor in Spanienà nimmt Pseudonym George Orwell ein (George engl. Allerweltsname, auch St. George[Drachentöter], Orwell kleiner Fluss in Grafschaft Suffolk) - 1937 als Freiwilliger in spanischen Bürgerkrieg(auf republikanischer Seite), engagierte sich als Kämpfer gegen Faschisten à verarbeitet seine Erfahrungen in "Animal Farm" - stark verwundet, Rückkehr nach London à im 2. Weltkrieg Mitarbeiter der BBC und britischer Tageszeitung "Observer" - politischer Anhänger der kommunistischen Internationale, jedoch führten Grausamkeiten unter Stalin zur Abkehr davon - 1945 Tod seiner Frau - Oktober 1945 Heirat mit Sonia Mary Brownell - seit 1947 schwer lungenkrank - 1947/48 Manuskript für "1984" à wollte vor totalitären Systemen warnen - Auswanderung auf Hebriden à dort Vollendung "1984" - 21.01.1950 in London an Tuberkoluse gestorben - begraben auf dem Friedhof der All Saints Church in Sutton-Courteney (Berkshire) - 13. Juni 1984 Buch des Jahres in den USA

``Animal Farm´´

The novel, Animal farm, is written by George Orwell and published in 1946. George Orwell´s Animal Farm is a political satire of a totalitarian society ruled by a mighty dictatorship, in all probability an allegory for the events surrounding the Russian Revolution of 1917 ( that´s what we had discussed in history). The animals of the ``Manor Farm´´ overthrow their human thier human master after a long history of mistreatment. Led by the pigs, the farm animals continue to do their work, only with more pride, knowing, that they are working for themselves, not longer for the humans. But more and more, the pigs become dominant, become more power and advantage over the other animals, so much that they become corrupt and power- hungry as their predecessors, the humans. In the end they behave like humans, go upon two legs like humans and betray the other animals on ``Manor Farm´´ like humans had done it.



About 1984

1984 is, in another way than \"Animal Farm\", arealistic view of a new society , whose importance did not decline but rather increased after edition of the book in 1949.his vision of terror is very closed to a Kafka´s view of the world who in his works also treated with the destiny of a man focussed and driven into a corner. Orwell´s interpretation, however, is different from the German author´s one by the fact that he concretely shows the political plans of the oppression system. So we always have the empression that Kafka´s world is fantastically invented whereas Orwell´s world is terribly near to reality. It is almost impossible to ignore the fascination of Orwell´s terror world of 1984.

Some scenes remain burnt in the reader´s memory, for example the scene of the maincharacter arrestation. In the final chapter we see how the human consceince is worked out by brainwashing. The reader dies the mental death of his man. Never and in no other work of the world literature, the terror againstone individuel is better shown than in 1984. So the importence of this novel cannot only be a mastepiece of literature, it is Orwell´s testament for people born after him.

His massage is a warning for the crisis of civilisation in the 20th century. Orwell warns us for the dangers of social wrong developments, especially of dangers coming from totalitarian conditions. He shows us which way such systems get their power and keep it. Orwell fights for the sound human intelligence (for which every individual is responsible) and liberal tolerance towards diffrent thinking people. He refuses to give up parts of the truth for any \"higher ideals\".

At the end of his life, Orwell becomes a moralist and humanist, he is free from the pathetic terror of all politicans who want to improve the world. He is still engaded for the social weak people in the civil society (for him the \"proles\" are the omly people of hope for a none-totalitarian future) but he does not belive anymore that Marxism is an idealogy which can make people free and happy. The reason is that the real existing Soviet communist government had disappointed all his hopes of a \"better way\" and that obviously the bad sides of this new society were even worse than those of the old one.


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