The English language is spoken all over the world, not only in Great Britain and Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. English is also used as a second language in many other countries like Kenya, India or Malaysia, where other native languages are spoken. English-speaking people know how useful their language is. English is an international language. It is understood by people all over the world. For example, a German can speak to somebody from Japan in English. It is emistated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. It is the language of science, aviation, computing, diplomacy and tourism. It is listed as the official or co-official language of over 45 countries and is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official status. English plays a part in the cultural, political or economic life of the following countries.
. Antigua
. Australia
. Bahamas
. Barbados
. Belize
. Bermuda
. Botswana
. Brunei (with Malay)
. Cameroon (with French)
. Canada (with French)
. Dominica
. Fiji
. Gambia
. Ghana
. Grenada
. Guyana
. India (with several Indian languages)
. Ireland (with Irish Gaelic)
. Jamaica
. Kenya (with Swahili)
. Kiribati
. Lesotho (with Sotho)
. Liberia
. Malawi (with Chewa)
. Malta (with Maltese)
. Mauritius
. Namibia (with Afrikaans)
. Nauru (with Nauruan)
. New Zealand
. Nigeria
. Pakistan (with Urdu)
. Papua New Guinea
. Philippines (with Tagalog)
. Puerto Rico (with Spanish)
. St Christopher and Nevis
. St Lucia
. St Vincent
. Senegal (with French)
. Seychelles (with French)
. Sierra Leone
. Singapore (with Malay, Mandarin and Tamil)
. South Africa (with Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu)
. Surinam (with Dutch)
. Swaziland (with Swazi)
. Tanzania (with Swahili)
. Tonga (with Tongan)
. Trinidad and Tobago
. Tuvalu
. Uganda
. United Kingdom and ist depencies
. United States of America and ist depencies
. Vanatu (with French)
. Western Samoa (with Samoan)
. Zambia
. Zimbabwe