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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)


Have got
I have got I’ve got I haven’t got

You have got You’ve got You haven’t got

He/she/it has got He/she/it has got He/she/it hasn’t got

We have got We’ve got We haven’t got

They have got They’ve got They haven’t got

Possessiv pronomen

Besitzanzeigende Fürwörter

I-my we-our

you-your you-your

he-his they their



‘s or s’

My son’s name is Marc.

My daughters’ names are Isabelle and Mira.

Im Singular steht ,,’s,, und im Plural stht ,,s’,, zum Ausdruck eines Besitzverhältnisses.

a or an

a grandma an animal

a pet an aunt

a cupboard an English teacher

a cat an Indian restaurant

a dog an orange cat

a car an uncle

Wenn das Nomen mit einem Vokal beginnt, steht ,,an,, statt ,,a,,.

Form of the verb

Infinitive: to run

Imperative: Clean!/ Don’t come in!

Present participle: (I am) cleaning

Present progressive

… besteht aus: to be + present participle

I’m cleaning We’re cleaning

You’re cleaning You’re cleaning

He’s cleaning

She’s cleaning They’re cleaning

It’s cleaning

Regel: Das Present progressive drückt eine Handlung aus, die jetzt gerade abläuft.

Present participle

Infinitive + ing









Regel: bei Verben die nur eine Silbe haben wird der letzte Buchstabe zweimal geschrieben (sit, put, run)

Modale Hilfsverben

can (können) can not /can’t

must (müssen) must not/mustn’t =nicht dürfen

need(müssen) need not/needn’t =nicht müssen

I can speak English

He can’t draw a picture

Can you play football?-Yes, I can.

-No, I can’t.

You must do your homework

You needn’t go to school on Saturday.

Must you go to bed at 9.00 pm?-Yes I must.

-No I needn’t.

Regel: ,,Can, can’t, must, mustn’t, need, needn’t,, müssen immer mit einem anderen Verb zusammen stehen. Einzige Ausnahme: Kurzantwort.






Irregular plurals: mouse-mice, man-men, child-children, woman-women, scarf-scarves,

shelf-shelves, wife-wives

Mengenangaben mit ,,of,,

a box of chocolates-eine Schachtel Pralinen

a piece of chocolates-ein Stück Schokolade

a small number of children-ein kleine Anzahl (von) Kinder(n)

a lot of /lots of pencils-eine Menge/viele Bleistifte

a group of girls-ein Gruppe (von) Mädchen

in groups of four-in Vierergruppen





Nach angehängtem “s” wird das ,,y,, zu ,,ie,, wenn es nach einem Konsonanten steht.

Word Order (Satzstellung)

Subject Verb Object

Ben is helping his father.

Debbie is helping her father in the garden.

No,she is helping him in the kitchen.

I can see them.

In einem englischem Aussagesatz st di Satzstellung immer Subjekt-Verb-Objekt. Alle Teile des Verbs müssen zusammenstehen.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

I me

you you

he/she/it him/her/it

we us

you you

they them

Simple present

to clean: I clean we clean

you clean you clean

he/she/it cleans they clean

negative:I don’t clean we don’t clean

You don’t clean You don’t clean

He/She/It doesn’t clean They don’t clean

Beachte: to try = he tries

to play = he plays

to watch = he watches

Simple present questions and short answer

Do you play football?-Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Does he play football?-Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Does she play football?-Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.

Does it play football?-Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t.

Do you play football?-Yes, we do./No, we don’t

Do they play football?-Yes, they do./No, they don’t.

Adverbs of frequency (Häufigkeitsadverbien)

always Nick often plays football on Saturdays.





Regel: Die Häufigkeitsadverbien stehen immer vor dem Verb.

This, that, these, those


nah dran (räumlich)



weit weg (räumlich)


Word Order

main clause (hauptsatz) suberdinate clause (Nebensatz)

Jenny hates zoos because she loves animals.

S V O conjunction S V O

Regel: Im Englischen ist die Satzstellung in Haupt- und Nebensatz: Subject-Verb-Object


How many oder How much

How many How much

…bananas? …water?

…apples? …sugar?

…books? …tea?

…pounds? …food?



Regel: ,,many,, steht vor zählbaren Nomen, ,,much,, steht vor nicht zählbaren Nomen.

Present progresive und Simple present

Miss Hunt is dancing with nick.

Activity verb

She looks like a cat.

State verb

to be to like

to believe to love

to hate to need können kein present progressive bilden

to hear to see

to know to want

to look like

Some and any

You use ,,some,, in positive statements.

You use ,,any,, in negative statements and in questions.

Example: Well, there are some small shops in town.

But there aren’t any really good shops.

Have you got any money, Julia?

Going-to future

I am

you are

he/she/it is going to + infinitive drückt Pläne, oder

we are Absichten die in der Zukunft liegen.

you are

they are

Simple past of ,,to be,,

I was I wasn’t

you were you weren’t

he was he wasn’t

she was she wasn’t

it was it wasn’t

we were we weren’t

you were you weren’t

they were they weren’t

Simple past

it rained they talked they started

we played they laughed we needed

we looked you sended

I stopped

[d] [+] [id]

Das ,,simple past,, (Präteritum) wird im Englischen regelmäßig gebildet durch dem Anhängen von ,,ed,,.

Questions and negative sentences in the past.

Fragen werden mit ,,did,, und ,,dind’t,, gestellt und beantwortet (+grundform des Verbs). Verneinte Aussagesätze werden mit ,,didn’t,, und mit der Grundform des Verbs gebildet.

Examples: Did you go away?-Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

Where did you go?-We went to Alton Towers.

We didn’t go on holiday.

Possessive determiner’s Possessive pronouns

This is my drink. It’s mine.

your yours

his his.

her hers.

its its.

These are our drinks ours.

your yours.

their theirs.

+ noun no noun

The prop-word ,,one,,

We need two baskets-There’s a yellow one upstairs an a brown on in the garden, and two

white ones in the garage.

Um Wiederholung von Substantiven zu vermeiden, steht nach Attributen das Stützwort ,,one,, Plural: ,,ones,,

Comparison of adjectifs one

The dog ist fast.

The cat is faster than the dogs.

The dolphin is the fasted of the tree animals.

An Audi is expensive.

A Mercedes is more expensive than an Audi.

A Ferrari is the most expensive of the tree cars.

bad good

worse better

the worst the best

as cheap as: positive

cheaper than: comparative

the cheapest: superlative


Mike is a careful driver. He is careful. He drives carefully.

Formation of adverbs: adjective+ly



exeptions: good-well



Should, shall, would, could


Could you…please?-Höfliche Aufforderung etwas zu tun.

Shall I...-Angebot zu helfen

Would you...,please?-Höfliche Bitte etwas zu tun.

Present Perfect

Have/has + ed

Example: I have packed.

He has counted.

You have finished.

I have (I’ve) We have (We’ve) + past participle/3rd form of the irregular

You have (You’ve) You have (You’ve) verb

He/She/It has They have (they’ve)

Regel: Man benutzt das Present perfect, wenn das Ergebnis einer Handlung noch sichtbar ist, bzw. wenn die Handlung noch nicht abgeschlossen ist.

Words used with the present perfect (Klingelwörter):

already never

just not…yet

ever…(before) yet?

The future

Will/won’t + infinitive

I will/I’ll go I won’t go

You will/You’ll go You won’t go Will you go?

He will/He’ll go He won’t go Will he go?

She will/She’ll go She won’t go Will she go?

It will/It’ll go It won’t go Will it go?

We will/We’ll go We won’t go Will we go?

You will/You’ll go You won’t go Will you go?

They will/They’ll They won’t go Will they go?

Regel: Das “will-future” wird verwendet, wenn man nicht genau weiß was geschehen wird zB nach Ausdrücken wie hope, think, maybe, perhaps, probally. Das “will-future“wird auch verwendet, wenn man zukünftiges nicht vermeiden kann.


Fragewort Hilfsverb Subjekt Verb

Where do you sleep?

Where will you sleep?

Where have you sleep?

But: Who sleeps?-Wer schläft?


If I live under the sea, I will see fishes.

Bedingung(Present) Folge (will-future)

Geram ,,seit,,: since or for?

since for

July six weeks

last month a few seconds

1st August very long

this morning a few weeks

point of time period of time

Regel: Nach “since” steht immer ein Zeitpunkt, nach ”for” eine Zeitspanne. In beiden Fällen wird das “present perfect“ benutzt.

Present Perfect Progressive

Wird gebildet: have/has+been+ing

I’ve been thinking about…

She has been thinking…

1. I’ve been reading

2. I’ve been read.

Das present perfect progressive wird verwendet, um auszudrücken, das eine Handlung ode rein Vorgang in der Vergangenheit begann und in der Gegenwart noch andauert.


1.If I win 1000000€, I’ll fly to Florida

present future

possible (möglich)

2.If I won 100000€, I’d fly to florida

past conditional


Relative clauses

The pupils who do it have to work hard.

They have to make a machine which they invited.

The learn a lot of things that will help them.

We talked to lots oaf young people that are all working.

Relative pronouns




Regel: Relativsätze geben nähere Informaton über ein vorher verwendetes Substantiv und stehen unmittelbar nach ihm. Das Relativpronomen“who“ bezieht sich auf Personnen, “which“ auf Sachen und “that“ auf Personen und Sachen. Wenn deer Relativsatz ein eigenes Subjekt hat, das heißt wenn das Relativpronomen nicht selbst ist, kann es weggelassen werde. Ein Relativsatz ohne Relativpronomen heißt: “contact clause“


...people who are friendly...


...castle you can visit

Each other oder nicht

We are looking at ourselves


We are looking at eachother

The passive

English is spoken all over the world.

to be past participle

Regel: Das Passiv wird gebildet mit einer Form von “to be” und dem “past participle”. Es wird benutzt, wenn das Geschehen wichtiger ist , als der Handelnde oder wenn der Handelnde nicht bkannt ist. Wenn er bekannt ist, kann er mit “by“ angehängt werden. zB.: St. Paul’s was build by Christopher Wren.

is taken =present

have/has been taken =present perfect

was taken =past

will be taken =future

Reflexive pronouns

I-myself we-ourselves

you-yourself you-yourselves

he/she/it him-/her-/itself they-themselves

Reflexive verben ohne Pronomen:

sit down-sich hinsetzen

remember-sich erinnern

move-sich bewegen

meet-sich treffen

feel-sich fühlen

imagine-sich vorstellen

listen to-sich anhören

hide-sich verstehen


Melissa enjoyed doing the activities...

She continued walking…

She imagined meeting…


Finding an old tile…was an adventure.

Organizing a demonstration was Marks idea.

Building stopped.

Digging started again.


…a good chance of finding

She thanked them for organizing

I’m afraid of flying.

Nach folgenden Verben stht ein Gerund:

avoid consider enjoy finish give up go on imagine

mention miss practise risk stop suggest

Nach begin, continue, hate, like , love, prefer, start, kann entweder ein Gerund ode rein to-Infinitiv stehen. Nach would like, would love, would hate, would prefer steht aber der to-Infinitiv. Das Gerund folgt auch auf allein stehende Präpositionen zB: after, before, by, instead of, on, without.

Infnitiv nach verb of perception

Nach Verben der Wahrnehmung (see, watch, notice, hear, listen to, fel) steht ein Objekt+ Infnitiv (ohne to). Im Deutschen werden solche Sätze in der Regel mit “wie“ wiedergegeben.

Verbs+Objects+infinitiv+ with to

Nach den verben: cause, would like, want, tell, ask, expect steht ein Objekt+Infinitiv with to. Im Deutschen warden die Sätze mit “dass” übersetzt.


I’d like/want you to speak Inupiaq better

…, dass du besser Inupiaq sprichst

Shift of tenses from direct speech to reported speech


present past

present perfect past perfect

past past perfect

will-future would+infinitive (conditional)

going to-future was/were going to +infinitive


am/are/is was/were

have/has had

can could

may might

shall should

will would

was/were had been

could/should/might/would/past perfect werden nicht verändert.

Reported questions

„Did King Carter live here?“

She asked if King Carter had lived there.

Regel: In der indirekten Frage ist die Zeitverschiebung die gleiche, wie in indirekten Aussagesätzen. Die Umschreibung mit „to do“ fällt weg, die Satzstellung ist SVO. Am Ende der indirekten Frage wird ein Punkt gesetzt. Eingeleitet wird die indirekte Frage mit „if/where“ oder mit dem Fragewort.

Indirect Commands

„Open your books!“

He told them to open their books.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

today that day

yesterday the day before

the day/before yesterday two days before

ago before

tomorrow the next day

the day after tomorrow in two days’ time

next week next/the following week

last week the week before

now then


here there

this that

these those

The definite article

General: I don’t take sugar in the coffee.

Specific: Can you pass me the (bestimmter Teil) sugar please?

General: It offers young people training in art music an drama.

Specific: We chose 650 from the 15.000 young people.

General: a wonderful view of Jewish history.

Specific: The book looks at the history of Jews

General: Jewish live in America.

Specific: The lives of Jewish Americans.

General: Over time.

Specific: The time between 19200 over 1930

Rule: Abstract nouns, material nouns, and plural don’t ned a definite article when they are used in general. But they need a definite article when they are used in a specific context (relative clause/of-phrase)

Conditional sentences

I. If I have time this afternoon, I will watch TV. (Dieser Satz ist möglich)

II. If Flo was a teacher, he would give everybody a 1.(Dieser Satz ist theoretisch möglich)

III. If you had invited John to your party, he would certainly have come.(Dieser Satz drückt unmögliche Erfüllbarkeit aus, weil er in der Vergangenheit steht)

if clause main clause

I present past

II past would+infinitive

III past perfect would+have+3rd form.

Possesive Pronouns

In front of a noun: my our

your your

his/hers/its their

Without noun: mine ours

yours yours

his/hers/its theirs


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