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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Black people

'black' was an insult in former times  people avoided the term 'black'  in the late 60ies and 70ies: 'black is beautiful!'  opinions are undergoing changes  movements like 'black power' developed => very radical movement  Malcolm X
there were times when you couldn't talk about 'negro'  from Latin word 'niger'  the swearword 'nigger' developed

Afro-American history: talked about misconceptions concerning black resistance in the US  slavery was an all-American problem  slavery was exercised from North to South-America  Brazil was a brutal slave-holding country for a very long time  the slaves worked on sugar and cotton plantations  there was humid climate

end of slavery => American Civil War: president A. Lincoln
11 pro-slavery states seceded from the Union  Washington D.C. was situated on the Potomac-river (the border between N and S)  North: was industrialized  Puritan, business-orientated US part - South: a deeply rooted feudal society with big estates (gr. Ländereien) - the S became a strong rival for the N, because the S had people who worked for nothing

a lot of 'missing pages' in US history  e.g.  many Cowboys were black  they sang religious songs (about Moses and the Bible); 'Ohio-River'  Marc Twain  there were also black Founding Fathers  Chicago (at Lake Michigan) was founded of a black man
F. Douglas - 1895 - told the people: 'We must fight back!'  he didn't accept the segregation (Rassentrennung)  progress through struggle  'you cannot get crops without ploughing' (pflügen) - F. Douglas was a predecessor of Malcolm X


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