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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Balance between individual and collective responsibility

"In the end, we must restore a balance within ourselves between who we are and what we are doing. "

Discuss the question of individual and collective responsibility with respect to major issues of our time.


There is no day on which we can't get new information about politics, war or the pollution of the environment and also we get to know the results of our actions. If I hear such news, then I ask myself sometimes why do we do this, why do we kill each other and why does nobody care about that or does anything against it?

For instance I can't understand why the Americans started the Iraq War. Of course Saddam Hussein was and is still a danger for society and also he had a cruel regime.

Therefore I can understand the way the Americans reacted as they wanted to protect the people but I think it was wrong that they killed so many innocent people.

Besides, I got the feeling that George W. Bush only wants to expand his power and wants the oil which the Iraq has so that he can make more money and can increase the wealth of the American people. For this reason I think that he is as bad as Saddam Hussein because so the people only got from one kind of oppression to another and so for the people living in the Iraq nothing has changed. At the same time I'm convinced that there would have been other ways to free the people and to catch and punish Saddam Hussein.

Another point I want to mention is that for example the German government was against this war, but they didn't do anything to persuade the USA that this war wasn't necessary. I can't believe that there were so many people who closed their eyes and didn't want to see the reality. In other words, they didn't care about what happened to the people in the Iraq or in other parts of the world.

There have been killed so many people - women, men and also children. And the situation there didn't get better. They also live now under unbelievable circumstances which we cannot imagine.

Sometimes I fear that many people only think about themselves and their advantages but not about the results for other people and how they maybe affect their lives. But we have a responsibility to take because we live in one world and everyone is part of this and I think that it's important that people help each other because then we all can live in a better way. To conclude this fact I cannot understand how some people can be so disinterested in what happens to other people because if they are in danger or their lives were threatened they also would want help and support. But if they want that then I think they also should help others in the same way as they want to be supported. That would be fair.

Another example for the lacking responsibility is the pollution of the environment and as consequence global warming and the greenhouse effect.

The world industry produces so many things that "kill" the environment, for example the carbon dioxide which is set free because of the burning of raw material as hard coal or brown coal. In addition to that the exhaust fumes of cars, buses and other vehicles destroy the environment.

Moreover the deforestation of the rain forest and other woods contributes to the destruction of the environment. Because of this there are not enough plants existing which can produce oxygen. This has got the consequence that there isn't a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide anymore. For this reason global warming could take place and this is again a reason for many other catastrophic developments in the world. For example the flooding of many countries or the high water in Germany in 2002. Another example would be the hurricane in the USA and the typhoons in Japan.

With reference to these developments some people started to search for the origin and found the above- mentioned. But what do the people do after they have found out? Has anything changed after that?

I don't think so! Although the people know now what they bring about with their behaviour towards nature they haven't changed it. Maybe some people changed their minds but not a majority of the people. I fear that the majority only changes if nature is totally destroyed and everything is too late and then we have to live with the brutal effects that we can't imagine now.

I'm quite sure that we now have still the chance to prevent this development but to take this chance all people have to take their responsibility and I fear that there are too many who don't want to do that because that would be really hard work.

Furthermore it's also a task for the governments of all countries. They must think about what they can do, too. Because only if we all work together hand in hand we can change something and prepare a better life or at least a life which is worth living. Another thing we should consider is that also people want to live on the earth in the future, but how will they do so if everything is destroyed and nature is totally "dead".

To sum up we can say that we all should think about our actions in all parts of live, so that we take care and responsibility for ourselves but also for other people and the people who want to live here in the future. I know that this is hard work but I hope that the people will have the power to solve the problems of our society.

Words: 963


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