Chapter 21 opens with an event that perfectly exemplifies all the noisy, inane activity that Babbitt and Zenith thrive on: the Boosters\' Club annual election of officers. Lewis takes great pleasure in showing us this comic side of Zenith life. His language mocks the seriousness with which these foolish businessmen take themselves. Through the Boosters\' Club, \"you... realized the metaphysical oneness of all occupations,\" from plumbing to chewing gum manufacture. The Boosters read Dad Peterson\'s statement on \"Service and Opportunity,\" and even though it makes no sense whatsoever, announce that they understand it perfectly.
This ridiculous world is the world Babbitt feels at home in much of the time, and he\'s overjoyed when his fellow Boosters elect him vice president. But when in triumph he calls his wife, she gives him shocking news: Paul Riesling has shot Zilla. He\'s in jail, and she isn\'t expected to live.