Chapters 1-2
1) Scotland is a small country. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It lies near England. Scotland is famous for his backpipes and that the men wear skirts. They spoke welsh, english or scottish. The weather there is often rough an rainy.
2) I think that is a sadness story. William Wallace is the tall man on the pictures with the long hair.
3)a) weapons / battle > Waffen / Krieg, Kampf
b) army/ beat > Armee/ besiegen
c) spears/ sword > Speere/ Schwert
The army of scottish soldiers has beated the army of english soldiers.
They fighted in a battle, but without weapons.
They had a factory for spears and swords.
4) castle > Schloss, grave > Grab, noble > adelig, rebel > Rebell, truce > Waffenstillstand, trust > trauen
a) When both sides want to stop fighting, they make a truce.
b) A rebel is someone who fighting against the king or queen
c) A noble was a very rich man with a lot of land
d) When someone dies their body is put in a grave.
e) The king and queen sometimes live in a castle near London.
f) It is difficult to trust somebody who lies to you.
5) William Malcom´s youngest son
Robert the Bruce A Scottish nobleman
Longshanks The englisch king
Isabella A French princess
Murron MacClannough William´s young wife
Argyle William´s uncle
6) Malcom and John are killed.
William marries Murron.
Murron is murdered by the English soldiers.
William Wallace decides to fight as a rebel.
The Scots win the battle at Stirling.
Chapter 3
7) I think that they make William to the first Lord of Scotland. I think that the Scots will beat the English again, because they are so angry and frustrated. They will be free...
Chapter 4
10) I think William Wallace quietly said goodbye to Isabella, because he had a meeting with the Scottish nobles. And he knew that they wanted to took him to London in a prison. I don´t think that the story has a happy ending, because I know that William Wallace would die.
11) "You see, my stupid son, I have found you a real queen. Longshanks to his son
"You remembered the story I told you of when I was a boy."
"But you can love me..just because I love you." Princess Isabella to Willam
"My God, he has a brave heart."
"We will be free!" William Wallace to the other rebels.
15) Koordinierung und Gesamtführung der Verwaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit der obersten Führungsebene, den Dezernenten, und mit der mittleren Führungsebene, den Amtsleitern und Amtsleiterinnen
Kontakt zu den Fraktionen im Rat der Stadt halten
Vorbereitung und Ausführung der Beschlüsse des Rates, des Hauptausschusses und der Fachausschüsse
Dienstvorgesetzter aller Beschäftigten (Einstellungen, Beförderungen, Umsetzungen, Disziplinarverfahren, Zusammenarbeit mit dem Personalrat etc.)
Entscheidung über die Geschäftsverteilung und die innere Organisation (EDV-Einsatz, Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation innerhalb der Verwaltung u.ä.)
Entscheidung von Streitfragen zwischen Dezernaten bzw. zwischen Fachämtern
Entscheidung von wesentlichen Einzelfragen (\"Chefsache\")
Ideen, Impulse und Motivation geben für die Weiterentwicklung der Verwaltung und der Gesamtstadt
14) Dear Veronkia,
Know I have the most wonderful baby, I ever dreamed. The baby has the same face as his father. I miss William very much! But the baby is always hated of the other noble men. But it´s not difficult for me. My life is the same. I had the same gay husband and he loves his friend peter, but we play a wonderful family. We all like the baby. I hope it will be so for soon 40 years.
I hope you write me back or you visit me...
Yours Isabella
16) I like Murron very much, because she is a very nice person. And she is crazy.that's fine. She rode out with William although it rain. She hasn´t got any problem with this. I think she would the best wife for William..