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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Animal farm fragen zum 7. abschnitt

What do the animals rebuild? (p.50/1) / -the windmill
Who and what was the reason that the windwill destroyed? (p.50/2)
-It had fallen down because the walls were too thin
What happened to the food of the animals? (p.50/3 und 51/1)
corn ration drastically reduced and it was announced that an
extra pot, ration would be issued to
-potato crop had been frosted in the clamps make up for it
-potatoes had become soft and discoloured

-only a few were edible
-nothing to eat but chaff and mangels

What do the people claim over the animals of the animal farm? (p.51/2)

- were dying of famine and disease
- were contitinually fighting amongst themselves
- resorted to cannibalism and infanticide

What have the animals done to make the man believe that they have enough food? (p.51/2)
- use Mr. Whymper
- empty bins be filled with sand, which was then covered up with grain and meal
- a few selected animals, mostly sheep, were instructed to remark casually in his hearing that rations had been increased

Who guards the farmhouse? (p.51/2)

- fierse-looking dogs

What have a rebellion trigger on the animal farm? (p.52/2)
- hens must surrender their eggs
- acontract with Mr. Whymper for four hundred eggs a week. The price of these would pay for enough grain and meal to keep the farm going till summer came
- when the hens heard this, they raised a terrible outcry

How does Napoleon end the rebellion? (p.52/3)
- hens rations to be decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death
- the dogs saw to it that these orders were carried out
- for five days the hens held out, then they capitulated and went back in their nasting boxes
- nine hens had died in the meantime

Where is Snowball? (p.52/4)

- on one of the neigbouring farms
- either Foxwood or Pinchfield

Who is guilty if something is wrong on the farm? (p.53/2)
- Snowball had come in the night and done it

What does Squealer say about Snowball and Mr. Jones? (p.54/2)
- Snowball was in league with Jones from the very start
- He was jones secret agent all the time
- Snowball had sold himself to Frederick of Pichfield Farm
- Now plotting to attack us and take our farm away from us
- Snowball is to act as his guide when attsck begins


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