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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)


What does ADD mean?

From a biologically point of view ADD is a kind of dysfunction of the organism. This causes that some reactions in the brain don't work properly. Because of that there is a lack of concentration and the ability to control yourself is reduced.

Up to now there is no clear explanation how ADD is caused. The possible heritage is proved by tests with twins. Other reasons can be problems at the birth or former illnesses.

Positive attributes of ADD-children

The children are often very creative, have a lot of fantasy, are very open and interested in other people and are very talented in acting. In difficult situations these children are very important helpers, advisers and often settle fights. If they are very motivated they can move a lot. Often they are very charming, and when they do something for others, they often do it better than for themselves.

Negative attributes of ADD-children..

.are that they can explode very fast. Because of their missing concentration they can't learn as well as the other children and they can't sit still.

How to help the children

One way how to help these children is with a medicine named Ritalin. It reduces the lack of concentration and calms down the child. It has no side effects but in the beginning the child often has no appetite and can't sleep very well.

Therapy for the child

Unfortunately there are just a few therapist in Germany who know a lot about ADD. The right therapy has to lead to the extension of the long-term attention, the improvement of the ability to concentrate and to a better perceptive faculty of the child.

How can parents help their child?

This \"illness\" is not curable, but parents and children can learn to associate with the illness. Some tips for the behaviour in handling with ADD people are to keep calm, discussions are useless, to be consistently, to exercise control and to bring structure into the everyday life.

Changes have to be announced early, the child has to be informed about the \"illness\" and the parents have to push through.

After the ADD-children have left school they often are more successful than before because they work in jobs which fit to their needs. Since they are very ambitious they often achieve aims. There are many famous persons like Einstein, Roosevelt, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson and many more of who is assumed or even known that they have or had ADD.


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