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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

About a boy - reading log chapter 1-10

Reading Log - About a Boy by Nick Hornby


page (s)

Time of action

Place of action


Theme(s)/ conflict

Personal response

1 (5-8)
After Marcus mom split up with her boyfriend Rogger

Flat in Holloway (London)
Marcus, Marcus mother, Rogger
Marcus mother has split up with her Boyfriend Rogger; Marcus tries to comfort her;

Row between Marcus and his Mother
-Marcus has two sides of character, first the childlike behaviour and second the mature behaviour.

-his parents spilt up

- they had moved from Cambridge > London

2 (9-13)

Will's friend Johns house

Will Freeman, John, Christine,

Barney, Imogene
Will is described as a 36-year-old man who isn\'t really grown-up yet as he doesn\'t take life very seriously. They want him to become the godfather of Imogene, but he doesn't like children.

Will think he is a very cool person;

He thinks he has no real life but he is not really unhappy about it, because he does not have any clutter;



page (s)

Time of action

Place of action


Theme(s)/ conflict

Personal response

3 (14-18)
Second day of school

At home;

At school
Marcus, Marcus mother, classmates;

Ms. Maguire
Marcus does not really likes school, his classmates make fun of him;

He is an outsider and weird because of his mother
-he is not the right type for school;

- he is not over fictional

4 (19-26)

At a Café on Upper Street;

Angie´ s Home;

Will Freeman, Angie, a woman who looks like Angie
Will´ s turning point;

Split up with Angie (the first girl he really loved)

Change from Mean Buy to Mr. Nice guy;

Angie changed his thoughts


page (s)

Time of action

Place of action


Theme(s)/ conflict

Personal response
5 (27-33)

Marcus kitchen;

Way to school;

At school

Marcus, Marcus mother, Nicky and Mark;

Lee Hartley
Marcus mother cried, but why?;

His two only friends split up the friendship

-friends get trouble because of Marcus

- he is alone

6 (34-28)
After his turning point

Room for SPAT
Will Freeman, SPAT - members;

Frances, Suzie

Will need a woman like Angie
-meets a woman called Suzie at SPAT

-is a liar

- says he has a son


page (s)

Time of action

Place of action


Theme(s)/ conflict

Personal response

7 (39-43)
After school

At their home
Marcus, Marcus mother

Mother was sick, why?;

Marcus was one reason that makes her sad
-when he gets know that he is the reason he wants to cry

- Suzie is the best friend of his Mother

- they are going to go to a SPAT- picnic

8 (44-52)


In the car of Suzie;

On the SPAT-picnic

Suzie and Megan; Marcus, Will
Marcus and Will meet each other, do not like each other

-Suzie and Will get nearer

-Marcus killed a duck


page (s)

Time of action

Place of action


Theme(s)/ conflict

Personal response
9 (53-57)

After the picnic
In Regent´ s Park
Suzie, Megan, Will, Marcus, Barkeeper, duck, Marcus mother
Marcus killed a duck;

His mother tried to commit suicide
-Will help Marcus, when the Barkeeper came

- suicide was Marcus fault

10 (58-62)
Day after suicide try

At their home;

In front of TV
Fiona, Marcus
Conflict about her try to commit suicide and letter;

Marcus do not understand it, he is angry
-She thought she will die, so she write a letter for Marcus


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