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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Aborigines (art&mythology stichpunkte)

Art / - the art was regarded as an integral part of life

- markings and designs have totemic significance

- paintings tell stories and they reflect what happens around them

- Rock Engraving:

- about 20.000 years old

- they engrave concentric circles, sinuous lines and animal tracks in the rocks

- Bark painting: (Zeichen in Baumrinde ritzen)

- most well known Aboriginal art form

- could be done only in areas with a lot of trees

- the colours were made from rocks, clay (Ton), charcoal (Holzkohle)

- Aborigines use colours like red, brown, black & white

- Symbols:

- Aborigines have a lot of symbols to make their interpretation easy

- but only the people who are involved in creating ground paintings know the meaning of the


- ~ : this symbol can mean a snake, running water or a lightning

- concentric circles: this symbol can mean a camp-fire, a cave, a rock-hole or a mountain

- Ground paintings:

- men:

- there are only men who can create ground paintings

- after an extensive and often very painful ritual, they are competent enough to paint the

designs correctly

- women:

- have similar styles of body markings

- limited numbers of sacred (heilig) objects and dances

- they mark the sand with leaves, sticks or their hands


- Aborigines have a lot of different ceremonies

- the designs aren't considered (betrachten) as dangerous

- in ceremonies, when the Aborigines sing the correct songs, the dancers and paintings become

imbued (durchdringen) with supernatural powers

- in Aboriginal society are a lot of problems, for example that the people became sick and they


- the "medicine man" is a very powerful man

- he tried to remove the "evil" from the sick person with spells or with natural medicines of


- medicine men still live in rock-holes or caves


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