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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

A midsummer night's dream: the end of the play

If ever the son of man in his wanderings was at home and drinking by the fireside, he is at home in the house of Theseus. All the dreams have been forgotten, as a melancholy dream remembered throughout the morning might be forgotten in the human certainty of any other triumphant evening party; and so the play seems naturally ended. It began on the earth and it ends on the earth. Thus to round off the whole midsummer night\'s dream in an eclipse of daylight is an effect of genius. But of this comedy, as I have said, the mark is that genius goes beyond itself; and one touch is added which makes the play colossal. Theseus and his train retire with a crashing finale, full of humour and wisdom and things set right, and silence falls on the house. Then there comes a faint sound of little feet, and for a moment, as it were, the elves look into the house, asking which is the reality. \"Suppose we are the realities and they the shadows.\" If that ending were acted properly any modern man would feel shaken to his marrow if he had to walk home from the theatre through a country lane.

-G. K. Chesterton, Chesterton On Shakespeare, 1971


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