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The strategy of withdrawal under president nixon (1969 - 1970)

The secret strategy Nixon had talked about during the 1968 campaign for ending the war in Vietnam had three facets. If the DRV did not become more reasonable concerning the peace process, America would take drastic actions against North Vietnam and its supporters (Cambodia and Laos). The second facet should improve the relations with the Soviet Union to avoid other military actions. At last the American troops should return home before they had improved the strength of the ARVN, who should be capable to protect South Vietnam from the DRV alone in the future. In order to protect the allies during the last period Nixon took military risks, both legal and illegal. He resumed the bombardments of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, which Lyndon Johnson had begun in 1968. The Air Force began to attack communist settlements in Cambodia, which was totally embraced by the Viet Cong at this time. The secret bombing campaign was carried to the public in 1970 but after some protests it was partially resumed.
All in all the number of US troops reached its peak of 543000 in 1969. The enemy in the hinterlands of South Vietnam had to be eradicated and with them their supply bases. In May American battalions reached the summit of Ap Bia, where soon a bitter fight broke off. This battle was declared as a victory for the United States and today this mountain is famous under the name \"Hamburger Hill\" because the soldiers described the situation as in a meat-grinder.
It is well known that American soldiers raped Vietnamese women and killed innocent people because they thought they belonged to the VC. In April 1969 a veteran described in a letter to the Department of Defence a massacre caused by American soldiers. Investigations uncovered that an atrocity had taken place at My Lai 4, a hamlet close to the Chinese Sea. These crimes were committed by American soldiers, who killed several hundred Vietnamese children and women. Many of the killers were set free, but some were sentenced to some months prison and hard work. Finally everybody was released.
On 2 September North Vietnam\'s leader Ho Chi Minh died of heart disease. His mantle of leadership fell on Duan, Dong and General Giap, who kept the communist system in the DRV. Although Nixon tried to improve the diplomatic contacts with the Russians, who should take an influence on Hanoi\'s attitude, the new government showed no signs of changing its positions.
So Nixon had to go another way in the war. He ordered reforms of the Selective Service Acts, a draft law enacted in WW2 to select physically and mentally fit young men. The system had worked very well during the Korea War. However, the war in Vietnam became increasingly unpopular and many young men found ways to delay their graduation. Students for example started going to university immediately until they were too old. Until the end of the conflict in Southeast Asia more than half a million people were selected by the draft until it finally expired in 1974.
In the year 1970 Nixon\'s plan of withdrawal from South Vietnam was proceeding on schedule. By the end of that year the number of troops was reduced to 330000.


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